My beloved Mario, even if I don't know if I love you, thanks to my new powers I know though who wants to kill you and many other things. The despicable individual has been given the task to kill you by someone whose identity is the only thing I still ignore (besides whether I love you or I don't). He's the guy going about massacring people in their thousands wherever you go, in the vain attempt to kill you. Which is highly unlikely for I read 88 per cent of his mind regardless of unlimited distance. Thus preventing him systematically. And there's even more: by controlling his mind I also control his right-hand by proxy. A very dangerous guy, a borderline psychopatic whom he uses for the dirtiest jobs. It was him to shake my hand at the Dama Catalana checkers, thinking I was you and attempting that nuclear reaction we better forget the sexual reasons would have made it possible but thanks God it failed. He was deceived by scything around you any means of genocide, unsuccessfully. It must be said that as a contract killer he's been acting truly unfortunately, finding himself in such a shitty situation, the poor guy. But let's not neglect a nozzle of sympathy for the victims as well. My sister's pregnant again for the third time. She told me via a text sms. I obviously knew it well before. I did try to call her but she didn't answer. Even better 'cause I wouldn't had been able to congratulate her and express a joy I don't actually feel. She's only 26 and shouldn't feel compulsive in balancing the demographic gap caused by our hitman. I'm confused about this as well as I'm usually confused with you - we always end up by talking about your obsessions - life and death... - but I don't want, I don't want, I don't want that and I don't love you, even if perhaps I do love you. Fanculo, baciccio - x - yours Miss Welby.
Thank You for the visit to my blog! I will start to visit daily your blog… while the government still not process me, or worse, not order to arrest me!
5 commenti:
Likewise miss welby...I've linked your blogged to mine....very interesting writing. Kudos
Cool Site very interesting :)
te possino te e l'inglese!
meglio .. molto meglio l'ita"G"liano .... perchè ha il punto "G"!!!!
Nice blog. Will await more.
Thank You for the visit to my blog! I will start to visit daily your blog… while the government still not process me, or worse, not order to arrest me!
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