The murder of Pasolini is still not completely explained: some contradictions in the declarations of Pelosi, a strange intervention by Italian secret services during the investigations and some lack of coherence in related documents during the different parts of the judicial procedures brought some of Pasolini's friends (actress Laura Betti, a close friend, particularly) to suspect that his murder had been commissioned. An enquiry of Pasolini's friend Oriana Fallaci (on the "Europeo" magazine) brought up the inefficiency of the investigations; many clues indicate as unlikely that Pelosi killed Pasolini alone. It is true, indeed, that Pasolini, in the months just before his death, had seen many politicians, telling them that he was aware of certain crucial secrets. Following Pelosi's statement of May 2005, the Rome police reopened the murder case; judges, however, considered the new elements insufficient to continue.
To understand all of this we must understand some chronology of events.
The Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile crisis occurred between 15-19th April 1961.
In July 1961 The then Iraqi Government threatened to nationalise the Oil Companies.
In June 1961 only two months after the Bay of Pigs incident the Iraqi Government had requested Mattei to 'find 500 technicians' to assist the Iraqi's in running their oil industries.
In July 1961 Mattei agrees to "assist, comfort and supply the Government of Iraq with whatever means possible to achieve production independence in return for oil concessions."
In early 1960 Mattei had taken the decision to deal more with the Soviet Bloc/Arab Sheiks than with what he termed 'home' oil producing countries. Millions of dollars was spent on Russian Oil. He was by certain not popular with the then seven oil producing companies. He was less popular in Italy whose political forces considered him the de facto leader of Italy. The French despised him for his trade with Algeria. The US deemed him 'uncontrollable' because of his dealings with Russia.
In 1962 his plane was clearly sabotaged by placing a screwdriver with tape near the motor in order that when the tape melted by the heat of the engine the screwdriver would fall into the motor causing the plane to stall and crash and it would seem an accident. By chance the pilot noticed, yet no investigation was ever held.
Amintore Fanfani was the Italian Prime Minister throughout the relevant period. He served two Presidents in that Legislature:- Giovanni Gronchi and Antonio Segni. Gronchi was a great admirer and supporter of Mattei and Mattei tried in vain to ensure Gronchi was re-elected President for a second mandate. But by that time in 1962 it was clear that both Gronchi (who later became a life Senator) and Mattei were becoming 'surplus to requirement'.
What is thus the connection between Mattei, De Mauro and Pasolini? Who killed them?
On the plane on the 27th October 1962 that killed Mattei were two other people. They have been forgotten and overlooked. The pilot and an American journalist called Wiiliam McHale. Not much is known about Mr McHale except that he was a fotoreporter and journalist. McHale had worked on cases including the Bay of Pigs and on the Kennedy Family. He was a man that was certainly 'in the know' and FBI/CIA files on him show McHale to be a man 'with information relating to the security of the United States.'
On May 19th 1962 Marilyn Monroe sang 'Happy Birthday Mr President' to John Kennedy in front of 15,000 people. Their affair was in full bloom. McHale had fotographs and letters of 'liasons' between Kennedy and Munroe which the CIA deemed 'a security risk to the United States of America'.
McHale had also been able to obtain a copy of a 'consensus ad ide,' between Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev settling the Bay of Pigs incident. That agreement was of one page. The United States of America would not attack Cuba and permit Fidel Castro to maintain a Communist Government in return for Russia withdrawing missiles from Cuba and that Russia would place no troops in Cuba. There were never an y missiles and McHale had the photographs proving this. Russia had clearly used a strategy to coerce the United States of America into maintaining a Communist Country within miles of its border-Cuba. If that information leaked the Kennedy Administration would be finished. McHale had the key.
The target on the 27th October 1962 was not Mattei but McHale. He was truly killed and the attention of the world turned on Mattei not McHale. In fact he is forgotten, a by product of a murder.
Did Andreotti know the real target from his American friends? He was made Chief Investigator of the crash! An unusual choice because a politician is hardly the appropriate person! If Andreotti did not know then certainly someone in the Italian Government would know. But that someone knew is certain.
But McHale kept a diary and kept the photo's he had. De Mauro was made aware of this as was Pasolini and Della Chiesa.
All died in strange circumstances but not because of Mattei but William McHale the 'man in the know' and the man who posed a clear and present danger to the security of the United States of America.
It was William McHale the target. Mattei was a brilliant excuse. Was the aircraft subject to a bomb or shot down by a US Military Aircraft? It is almost irrelevant. They are all dead. Pasolini who wanted to make a film about Kennedy and the Bay of Pigs using the 'consensus ad idem' document was murdered. Della Chiesa who became aware of the McHale diaries and fotos was killed. De Mauro who stumbled on to the real target was murdered.
Where are the diaries and the copy of the US/Russian Agreement that McHale paid with his life?
They are still around............
Giovanni Di Stefano
Rome 1 July 2007
Pubblicato da Il Piave in data Giovedì 02 agosto 2007
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