I would love to be balanced and impartial in this review of women candidates in the upcoming Rome's local elections, but frankly the right-of-the-centre parties are hopeless: not only they put forward very few ladies in comparison with the left, but they are also so web-unwise that it is extremely difficult to google their pictures, as it is the case with the Christian-Democrats (UDC). None of them found. Makes you suspect that they are so ugly they keep them concealed...

Back to the left, here's what I found in the far-left coalition Sinistra arcobaleno (Rainbow Left, which includes the Green Party). Above is 59-y-o full-time politician Gemma Azuni, while this pretty one (not bad at all) is middle-age historian Ilaria Bonaccorsi, 37, and the following one is teacher and writer Tiziana Colusso, a 47-y-o practicing Buddhist with a penchant for neck-ties. I thought she deserved two pics as in the second one she turns out to be another Veltroni lookalike (see Carli in a previous post)

This one above - I bet that somehow you've already guessed by now - is Valeria Di Blasio, architect, 31. Here on the left, Daniela Pace, newsagent, 56 (this is what in Italy they call santini elettorali, i.e. business-card-sized propaganda flooding your post box), while the following rubber-lipped other "pace" is Arianna Petricone, just 20.

Now we all anxiously await for the opinion on these beauties by our sexpert commentator, desperate Andrea Turko, the man with a bone in his penis.

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Cavoli la Sinistra Arcobaleno!!

Che progressi sta facendo in fatto di belle fichette giovani e zompettanti, candidate e trombabili.

E io che ero così bello ingallito per essere riuscito ad INTRODURRE Wladimir Luxuria fra i miei amici su myspace:

Nel mio space vi consiglio vivamente il video (in english) sulla toilet papar di noi uomini veri.


Vabbé, domani provo ad inoltrare la richiesta di amicizia anche a Valeria Di Blasio ..... sebbene sia sposata: http://www.myspace.com/valeriadiblasio

Arianna Petricone me pare trista (anche se dice cha ama ridere, anzi forse lo dice proprio perché il riso le manca): ascolta Guccini e legge Neruda:

Miss Welby,
qua occorre fare una ricerca per trovare altre foto di Miss Petricone; la vorrei visionare meglio per decidere se proporle o meno il mio perticone.

