Italian blogs review
Berlusconi ciclotimic, Fini asthenic

«Berlusconi (73) is a puer aeternus, an eternal child, while the other right-wing leader Gianfranco Fini (57) is exactly the opposite, a senex praecox, a precocious old man», argues psychologist Alessandro Meluzzi – who knows them both because of his participation to the birth of Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party in the 1990s – explaining why they couldn’t possibly get along in an interview to Mauro Suttora.

Inevitably, and unfortunately, Berlusconi is the focus of several other prominent Italian blogs which you’ll find linked in the right sidebar. Among them, Alessandro Capriccioli’s Metilparaben came up with a photo-story on the REAL REASON WHY Berlusconi was attacked in Milan:

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