AH AH AH! The Berlusconi's television party is unable to collect signaturetes and present themselves in time in the two Italian major cities. ah ah ah!

Dismayed Premier Says Red Tape Should Not Win

Fini baffled by errors. Criticism of appeal to president from Prime Minister’s Office staff

ROME – Silvio Berlusconi was dismayed. He couldn’t believe his ears when Renata Polverini brought him up to date over the phone. Gianfranco Fini felt the same way. You’ve got to be an idiot, a half-wit, an imbecile or whatever not to turn up at nine in the morning to hand in the signatures required for your electoral list. Both leaders take the same view but it is the leader of the Chamber of Deputies who is, on the surface, more concerned. It was Gianfranco Fini, and not so much Silvio Berlusconi, who pushed for Ms Polverini’s candidature. On the surface, the sense of being responsible is palpable, the tension more intense... Corriere

1 commento:

Michele Boselli ha detto...

complimenti ai vostri intelligentssimi funzionari di partito che non non sono riusciti a presentare le lista nelle due maggiori città italiane. un capolavoro di intelligenza politica