Unheard before in History, a Company might be about to stand up against censorship, with a little help by Mrs Hillary Clinton. Unheard before by a liberal socialist, we are with the Company: GO ON, google, SHUT DOWN OPERATIONS IN CHINA!

We are with you, Mountain View, Do the right thing, we'll always be with you if you take such a courageus step. A simple step against arrogance which may cost you a lot of money, but you establish yourselves as the greatest freedom fighter of all times.

Thank you from Europe (and China and Tibet)

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

google is a big corp,
they don't need help,
but in this case i'm
100 per cent with them

CSKA ha detto...

google itsef sucks, but Chinese communist-capitalist leaders are MUCH, MUCH WORSE

Unknown ha detto...

I'm googleized like anybody but I undersand the will of China. If you receive advertissements even in your mails, it means that Google knows exactely everything about you. Would be strange if CIA, ignore this. In my case I have nothing to hide but who knows about what we can be declared guilty?
If one of the owners of Google is a russian doesn't give to us any guaranty about the abuse of power.
In any case, if Google would be a chinese company, I'm sure that it would be censured by the Bush administration a long time ago.