India's sexpert no substitute for education

The rejection of sex education by parliament has left Indians relying on a newspaper column for advice on basic biology

Can oral sex lead to pregnancy? Will daily masturbation make me go bald? If my elbow brushes against a woman's breasts on a bus, will I be at risk from HIV? These are not questions being asked by innocent pre-teens in a middle-school playground. Rather, they are being posed – and answered – in India's most widely circulated English-language newspaper. The "Ask the Sexpert" column runs in a daily supplement of the Times of India, with spinoff columns beginning to appear in other major Indian periodicals. It essentially features sex-related questions from across India, followed by small nuggets of advice. The queries range from the serious to the clueless, from the sympathy-evoking to the unintentionally entertaining. (Some choice, if rather explicit, examples can be seen here, here and here... Full article on the Guardian

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