Texan ballot papers sent out with flag of Chile
Texan ballot officials have accidentally sent out ballot papers with the Chilean national flag on it rather than the flag of Texas

For the past few years, at least, officials in Atascosa County, south of San Antonio, have been sending out absentee ballot packages that include a page with a flag proudly displayed in a wavy motion. The only trouble is, it's the Chilean flag, not the Texas flag. And it took a Ph.D. candidate to point it out. Troy Knudson , who is studying in Japan and registered to vote in Atascosa County, was the first to notice the mistake and alert officials. "Apparently the insert has been used for some time without anyone (voters and staff) noticing," he wrote in an e-mail. "I guess it's funny in some way, but my initial reaction was more disbelief that no one had noticed"... Statesman

3 commenti:

ilMaLe ha detto...

Avevo notato la somiglianza.

ilMaLe ha detto...

Carissima, mi hai scritto sul blog che ti stai dando alla narrativa politica surreale: a cosa stai lavorando? Mi piace leggere roba di quel genere.

Michele Boselli ha detto...

beh, allora accòmodati nella barra laterale nel menù "letteratura sottosopra"