Cannabis fed to ducks by French farmer for 'deworming'
A French farmer has been given a one-month suspended jail sentence and fined 500 euros (£428) for feeding his ducks marijuana to rid them of worms. Police arrested Michel Rouyer after they discovered 12 cannabis plants and about 5kg (11lb) of the drug during a visit to his home after a theft. Mr Rouyer said there was "no better worming substance" for ducks and that his flock was in excellent health. A police spokesman said it was the first time they had heard such a claim. Mr Rouyer, who lives in the village of Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien on France's Atlantic coast, did also admit to smoking some of the marijuana... Bbc

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

il che mi pare un'ottima scusa. i gendarmi francesi sono rigidi come i carabinieri italiani. vaffanculo anche loro

Michele Boselli ha detto...

non condivo pienamente ma prendo atto

ilMaLe ha detto...

Si devev puntare alla libertà di coltivare canapa indiana per uso personale. Come in Svizzera. Questo sarebbe un vero colpo alle mafie. Ma si sa, in Italia ci sono bigotti e complici della criminalità organizzata.