Mozart quells mall violence
A secret weapon has rid Christchurch city centre streets of crime and thuggery: Mozart. The introduction of speakers playing classical music in City Mall in June 2009 has led to a steep fall in petty crime and anti-social behaviour, say mall managers. The number of anti-social incidents attended by city centre security guards, known as ambassadors, fell from 77 a week in October 2008 to two for the same week this year. The number of drug and alcohol-related incidents fell from 16 in 2008 to zero this year. The number of times the ambassadors helped shopkeepers with troublesome customers has fallen from 35 to nothing. Originally, Central City Business Association manager Paul Lonsdale intended to play easy listening music like Barry Manilow, but found classical music more calming. "The classical music is soothing on the ear. We try not to play anything with a beat because that is more noticeable. Classical music is known for reducing anti-social behaviour"... The Press

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