New penis for statue in Silvio Berlusconi's office
Silvio Berlusconi's enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery is well documented, but it was not previously known to extend to either genitalia or classical sculpture. Government officials confirmed today, however, that a valuable statue of the god Mars, on loan to the prime minister's office, had been fitted with an artificial penis. The original was chipped off at some stage in its long life, beginning in AD175. La Repubblica said the transplant was carried out at Berlusconi's "express request" and that, along with a new hand for an accompanying statue of the goddess Venus, it had cost the Italian taxpayer €70,000 (£60,000)... Guardian

3 commenti:

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Mauro Suttora ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto...

Fossi io il direttore del Guardian, l'avrei titolato semplicemente "New Penis for Berlusconi". Mi sorprende che non l'abbia fatto Miss Welby...

Poi cliccando il link si legge anche che "The prime minister had approved the finished work and had the statue put in a prominent position at the entrance to his official residence in Rome, Palazzo Chigi. It is not the first time Berlusconi has been accused of interfering with art works. Two years ago, government employees veiled the breasts of a nude in a mural that featured prominently behind the prime minister during press conferences."