I’ll start again from year zero

I’ll start again from year zero at last,
I’ll be the land and the seed,
my father and my mother,
I’ll give birth to a daughter
Bare tender strong,
the calm smile,
the clear eyes half-open
looking far away.
I will nourish her, love her,
Take care of her.
There she is already standing,
her hand and mine,
little impatient steps
then she confidently walks.

Now finally
from the towers
of the white palaces,
from the chimneys,
from above
from the open terraces
on the cities,
rivers and forests,
I follow the sky
up where it reaches,
the air goes through me
overcoming a hurdle,
like a stone,
and I breath.

“the end of the route
will be rebirth”

October 14, 2003