SlutWalking gets rolling after cop's loose talk about provocative clothing 
Lecture to Toronto students ignites protests across Canada and US at culture of blaming rape victims
[...] Some 2,351 people have signed up via Facebook to attend a SlutWalk through Boston on Saturday, when they will chant "Yes means yes, no means no," and "Hey hey, ho ho, patriarchy has to go", with further SlutWalks planned in the US, And that's before you get to Argentina, Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK [...] The first march was held in Toronto itself last month. Organisers had expected about 100 people to turn out, and were astonished when almost 3,000 people did so. The participants, both female and male, carried placards saying "Met a slut today? Don't assault her," "Sluts pay taxes" and "We're here, we're sluts, get used to it". Another sign at the rally read: "It was Christmas Day. I was 14 and raped in a stairwell wearing snowshoes and layers. Did I deserve it too?"... Full article on the Guardian

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