Coppia prenota albergo agli antipodi
I sudafricani Michael e Sunette Adendorff, in visita in Nuova Zelanda, hanno prenotato via web all'hotel Majestic di Eastbourne, sobborgo di Wellington, meravigliandosi di venire fatturati in paundi, per poi una volta sul posto (4.600 abitanti e niente alberghi) capire di avere invece prenotato al Majestic di Eastbourne nel Sussex, distante 12mila miglia. Hanno trovato un letto ma niente rimborso dall'albergo inglese.

Tourists stranded after booking hotel on wrong side of the world. Michael and Sunette Adendorff thought something was wrong with their hire car's GPS as they drove around in circles in the Wellington suburb, looking for the £90-a-night Majestic Hotel on Royal Parade. When they pulled into the local chemist's shop to ask directions, they were shocked to discover that Eastbourne (population 4,600), New Zealand, does not even have a hotel. The couple, who were exploring New Zealand while visiting the country to watch South Africa play in the Rugby World Cup, had mistakenly booked into the hotel in Eastbourne, Sussex, on the internet. "I booked into the right hotel, just in the wrong country," Mr Adendorff told the Dominion Post newspaper. Despite the good-natured ribbing they received, the couple said Eastbourne was very nice and the locals were friendly. "I don't know how Eastbourne in England popped up in the comparisons on the internet," Mr Adendorff said. They were unable to get a refund from the Majestic Hotel because their cancellation was at such short notice... Telegraph

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