Donna muore dopo essersi iniettata grasso di manzo nelle rughe. La 63-enne Janet Hardt di Homewood, Illinois, è morta per una peritonite causata da infezioni che abeba sulla bocca e il mento per l'abitudine di iniettarvisi grasso di manzo riscaldato per simulare l'effetto antirughe del Botox.

Woman dies after injecting hot beef fat into her face. An autopsy determined that 63-year-old Janet Hardt from Homewood, Illinois, died of peritonitis, a severe abdominal inflammation caused by a bacterial infection [...] Family members told authorities Hardt had undergone multiple cosmetic surgeries to her face and neck. A short time before she died, she injected the heated beef fat into her face around her mouth and chin. Authorities said she apparently performed the procedure on several occasions in an attempt to simulate Botox, which reduces wrinkling... Chicago Sun Times

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