Ennesimo gatto ferroviario
Ogni mattina Graeme accompagna la sua padrona pendolare Nicole Weinrich a prendere il treno sulla linea per Hurtsbridge, Australia, e la sera va ad attenderne il ritorno sul binario opposto, usando il sottopassaggio

Trainspotting cat has attained rock star status among commuters at his station. Every morning the laid-back feline leaves home and saunters down to the platform on the Hurstbridge line to mix with travellers heading off to work. The pampered cat cannot get enough of attention, with scores of regulars calling him by name as they stop for a chat and give him a pat on the head. Safety conscious, the sociable moggie is meticulous about using the subway to cross to the city-bound platform, rather than take a dangerous short cut across the tracks. When the evening peak comes around, Graeme puts on an encore performance, arriving at the opposite platform in time to greet owner Nicole Weinrich as she returns home from work... Herald Sun

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