Gatta viaggia 2.800 km in 5 anni
La famiglia Squires di Broomfield, Colorado, da cinque anni aveva perso speranza di rivedere la loro gatta Willow, che temevano uccisa dai coyote, ma rinvenuta grazie al microchip mercoledì scorso a New York, distante 1.800 miglia, e potrà riunirsi ai bambini e ai suoi amici d'infanzia, il labrador Roscoe e la mastina Zoe

A calico cat named Willow, who disappeared from a home near the Rocky Mountains five years ago, was found Wednesday on a Manhattan street and will soon be returned to a family in which two of the three kids and one of the two dogs may remember her. How she got to New York, nearly 1,800 miles away, and the kind of life she lived in the city are mysteries. But thanks to a microchip implanted when she was a kitten, Willow will be reunited in Colorado with her owners, who had long ago given up hope... Ap

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