Grappa molto Ficken
La corte federale tedesca ha accolto il ricorso della distilleria EFAG contro l'ufficio brevetti che aveva rifiutato di registrare il marchio "Ficken" in quanto termine offensivo, e ora si prevedono anche una linea di abbigliamento, acqua minerale e succhi di frutta tutti Ficken

Firm Wins Battle to Register F-Word as Trademark. A German company has won its court battle to register the F-word as a trademark. The brand name of its "Ficken" schnapps will now enjoy legal protection. The term may be in poor taste, but it may soon be used to market spirits and other drinks. Shoppers in Germany might feel a little embarrassed about asking for "Ficken" schnapps by name - after all, the drink is named after the German word for "fuck." But the manufacturer can take solace in the fact that the brand name is now legally protected. On Tuesday, Germany's Federal Patent Court ruled that the word "ficken" can be registered as a trademark. The German liquor manufacturer EFAG Trade Mark Company had taken the case to the country's highest patent court after its attempts to get the name of "Ficken" schnapps registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office had failed. The patent office had steadfastly refused to register the naughty brandname as a trademark, arguing that it was socially offensive to sell goods of that name. Following its legal victory, EFAG will now own the "Ficken" trademark for clothing, mineral water and fruit drinks, as well as alcoholic drinks... Spiegel

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