Donna vive per mesi con cadavere marcescente
Una 52-enne svedese con problemi mentali è indagata dopo che la polizia l'ha trovata danzare nuda attorno al divano di casa con sopra il cadavere in avanzato stato di putrefazione di un suo conoscente 67-enne scomparso dal settembre scorso, ma non è sospettata di omicidio

Woman 'lived for months' with rotting corpse
A 52-year-old Swedish woman is believed to have lived with a dead body on her sofa for months, after police found the body of a dead man, reported missing in September, decomposing in her living room. ”She was dancing around naked in the flat” a source close to the investigation revealed to daily Aftonbladet. The 67-year-old man had been reported missing in September this year and early on in the investigation police had contacted the woman who denied knowing the man's whereabouts. The man and the woman knew each other and were known to spend time together. Upon contacting the woman for a second round of questioning recently, however, police came across a macabre find in the woman's living room. Police found the man tucked up on the woman's sofa. Forensic analysis subsequently revealed that he had likely been dead for several months and his body was in an advanced stage of putrefaction. Despite there being no indications at this point that the woman was responsible for the man's death, she was arrested on account of being in the flat with the corpse. ”This is probably not a murder. The woman is sick and it is just very tragic” said Lars Lundin of the South Stockholm police to Aftonbladet prior to the release... The Local

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