Le prugne non fan più cagare
Il parlamentare europeo Graham Watson (liberal-democratici) ha sfidato il commissario alla salute  John Dalli a una bella scorpacciata di prugne per verificarne egli stesso l'effetto dopo che una direttiva di Bruxelles ha vietato ai produttori di vantarne le proprietà lassative.


Prune eating contest suggested after EU rules they are not a laxative. The EU has ruled that prunes do not have a laxative effect and producers cannot say that they do. It comes after the organisation was mocked last month a ruling that led to a ban on claims that drinking water can prevent dehydration. Despite a long held belief that prunes, traditionally served with custard, are good for improving bowel function, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ruled this is not the case [...] Sir Graham, the Liberal Democrat member for South West England and Gibraltar, raised the issue in Strasbourg after the EU refused to recognise the high fibre content of fruits like pomegranates, berries and prunes. "The European Commission's advisory panel which does this work has rejected 95 per cent of claims for plant-based foods, maybe in many cases with good reason, but among the claims rejected is the claim that prunes have a laxative effect" - he said - "I have asked the Commission if it is satisfied with the criteria and the methodology used for testing such claims because I know that prunes contain two substances sorbitol and dihydrophenylisatin, which have laxative effects. But most of our constituents do not require a scientific test. I have also invited the Commissioner responsible for health and consumer policy, John Dalli, to a prune eating contest to see for himself"... Telegraph

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

prune face !
Buon Natale from Ann*O'Dyne AUS