Mega-rissa tra preti
Sotto gli occhi dei turisti un centinaio di preti si sono presi a scopate mentre pulivano la chiesa della natività a Betlemme in preparazione del Natale ortodosso, il 7 gennaio. Il tenente Khaled al-Tamimi della polizia palestinese, che li ha dovuti sedare a suon di manganellate, ha detto che nessuno è stato arrestato perché tutti i coivolti sono uomini di Dio. Anche nella chiesa del santo sepolcro a Gerusalemme ci sono stati in passato simili scontri perché i preti non si mettono d'accordo su chi debba pagare per la manutenzione dei fatiscenti luoghi sacri dove Gesù Cristo sarebbe nato e il suo corpo sarebbe stato portato dopo la crocifissione... video sulla Bbc

Priests brawl in Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity. Bemused tourists looked on as about 100 priests fought with brooms while cleaning the church in preparation for Orthodox Christmas, on 7 January. Palestinian police armed with batons and shields broke up the clashes. Groups of priests have clashed before in the church, built on the spot where Christians believe Jesus was born. "It was a trivial problem that... occurs every year", Bethlehem police Lt-Col Khaled al-Tamimi told Reuters, "No one was arrested because all those involved were men of God," he said [...] The 1,700-year-old church, one of the holiest sites in Christianity, is in a bad state of repair, largely because the priests cannot agree on who should pay for its upkeep. Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site where many Christians believe Jesus's body was taken after crucifixion, has also seen similar incidents... Video on Bbc

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