Punk in "riabilitazione morale"
La polizia della provincia di Aceh, la più conservatrice dell'Indonesia, ha detenuto 64 giovani a un concerto punk-rock, ne ha rasato i capelli, rimpiazzato i loro abiti "disgustosi", gettatone collari e catenelle in una pozza d'acqua per "pulizia spirituale" e costrettoli a dieci giorni di disciplina militare e recitazione del corano. Nella provincia più strettamente islamica del paese l'adulterio viene punito con la lapidazione a morte e l'omosessualità con la fustigazione pubblica. Altre foto del raid sul Guardian

Indonesian punks detained and shaved by police. Police in Indonesia's most conservative province have stripped away body piercings and shaved off mohicans from 65 youths detained at a punk-rock concert because of their perceived threat to Islamic values. The teens and young men were also stripped of dog-collar necklaces and chains and then thrown in pools of water for "spiritual" cleansing, the local police chief, Iskandar Hasan, said on Wednesday. After replacing their "disgusting" clothes, he handed each a toothbrush and barked: "Use it." It was the latest effort by authorities to promote strict moral values in Aceh, the only province in this secular but predominantly Muslim nation of 240 million people to have imposed Islamic laws. Here, adultery is punishable by stoning to death, gay people have been thrown in jail or lashed in public with rattan canes, and women must wear headscarves. Punk rockers have complained for months about harassment, but Saturday's roundup at a concert attended by more than 100 people was by far the most dramatic. Baton-wielding police broke up the concert, scattering young music lovers, many of whom had travelled from other parts of the sprawling archipelagic nation. Dozens were loaded into vans and taken to a police detention centre in the hills, 30 miles (60km) from the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, for rehabilitation, training in military-style discipline and religious classes, including Qur'an recitation. They will be held there for at least 10 days, after which they will be returned to their parents. But the police chief, Hasan, insisted he had done nothing wrong. "We're not torturing anyone," he said. "We're not violating human rights. We're just trying to put them back on the right moral path." However, Nur Kholis, a national human rights commissioner, deplored the detention, saying police must explain what criminal laws were violated by the youngsters... Guardian

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