Carota inanellata. I coniugi Lena e Ola Påhlsson di Mora, Svezia, hanno raccolto in giardino una carota indossante la fede nuziale disegnata dalla stessa Lena che l'aveva persa 16 anni fa insieme alle speranze di ritrovarla. Ola ipotizza che sia caduta nel compost oppure mangiata dalla loro pecora cacante concime

Swede pulls up carrot bearing long-lost ring. A Swedish woman's recent toiling in her garden turned up a rather unexpected harvest when she pulled a carrot out of the ground 'wearing' the wedding ring she had lost back in 1995. After 16 years, Lena and Ola Påhlsson, who reside near Mora, Dalarna, in central Sweden, had given up hope of ever finding Lena's lost wedding ring, which Lena had designed herself and went missing after she had put it on the kitchen counter in midst of a holiday baking session back in 1995. The couple engaged in a frantic search for the ring, even checked behind the appliances and beneath the floor boards when renovating the kitchen a few years later, but to no avail. But as Lena was about to gather the last of the carrots from the family vegetable patch last October, she pulled out a carrot that had something attached to it. As the carrot was so small, she was about to throw it away when she realized what it was that appeared to be “growing” around the finger-sized vegetable. [...] Ola had several theories as to how Lena's ring could have made its way from the kitchen to the vegetable patch. “We thought maybe it had fallen in to the compostable food bin. Perhaps it ended up in compost that was spread over the vegetable patch later” he said. He also theorized that the family's sheep, which is often fed kitchen scraps, may have had a hand in the mysterious migration of the ring. “Maybe it had been eaten by the sheep and then ended up in the manure that we then spread over the vegetable patch,” said Ola... The Local