Ri-sposi dopo cambio di sesso
Dopo 9 anni di matrimonio Barry e Anne Watson, di Halifax nello Yorkshire, hanno rinnovato la loro unione ma nel frattempo Barry è diventato Jayne. All'inizio Anne l'aveva presa male ma adesso è felice di chiaccherare con Jayne di abiti, trucco e acconciature.

Couple marry for the second time... after husband has a sex swap. Like a lot of couples, Barry and Anne Watson wanted to renew their ­marriage vows. But when they went ahead nine years after their ­wedding, there was a big difference... this time Barry was a ­woman called Jayne. And Anne was only too happy to go ahead with the ceremony to show how much she loved her new wife. “At first Anne was furious when I told her I wanted a sex change”, says Barry, 43, a former bus driver who changed his name to Jayne by deed poll. “Our marriage had been going through problems and she thought I’d been cheating on her with another woman. But I just wanted to be one. “Anne came to ­accept me for who I wanted to be and love me as Jayne. ­Renewing our vows seemed the perfect way to tell the world how ­happy we are with our new lives”. Anne, 53, adds: “I grieved for the loss of Barry, but there were sides to Jayne I enjoyed getting to know. Now we sit and giggle and talk about hair, clothes and make-up... Mirror

1 commento:

Hellpesman ha detto...

questa notizia mi ha fatto ridere da solo davanti al pc per ore.... gramdiosa!!!!