Fiamma "eterna" si estingue
La fiamma eterna che in molte città dell'ex URSS ricorda i caduti nella II guerra mondiale, nella capitale kirghiza Bishkek si è spenta perché questo Paese povero dalle scarse risorse minerarie non poteva permettersi di pagare la bolletta del gas, in arretrato di quasi 7.000 euri.

Kyrgyzstan’s Eternal Flame dies. The Eternal Flame in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz capital, has flickered, faded and died after a utilities company cut off the gas to the World War Two memorial. Kyrgyzgas justified turning off the gas supply to the monument, built during the Soviet Union to honour the millions who died fighting Nazi Germany, by claiming it was owed nearly £6,000 by the authorities, the AP news agency reported. The image of an extinguished Eternal Flame is an embarrassing blow for Kyrgyzstan, one of the poorest of the former Soviet states in Central Asia. It has few mineral resources and little arable land to develop. Many cities across the former Soviet Union pay homage to their war dead by maintaining a gas-fired flame which is never extinguished. Soldiers often guard the flame and it takes centre stage at the annual May 9 military parades... Ap / Telegraph

1 commento:

Mr-scommesse ha detto...

Poveracci, non possono neache avere un memoriale come si deve. €:-(