Purtroppo non ho tempo sufficiente a tradurre in italiano tutte le notizie curiose, ma almeno vi metto i link alle versioni originali in inglese con un breve sommario:

For most of our lunar adventure, a majority of Americans did not support going to the moon. On the 50th anniversary of JFK's "We choose to go the moon" speech, we examine why.

Drink Hangover weird gross hilarious hangover remedies cure Surprisingly, we don’t really have a full scientific understanding of hangovers. Yeah, we understand the basics—dehydration, toxins, electrolytes, and so on—but not well enough to produce a genuine scientific cure. As a result, the world is still full of traditional home remedies for the hangover that vary from culture to culture.

Cached away for over a century, the world's first color moving pictures have been shown for the first time yesterday, according to the National Media Museum in the UK. The celluloid, shot by inventor Edward Raymond Turner in 1899, was actually in black and white and it was only through a curator's research that its colorful significance was also unearthed.

France gave birth to restaurants, but it was no civilized affair. In fact, today’s restaurant business is actually a byproduct of the class warfare that arose during the French Revolution.

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