Uomo stupra anatra
Un cinquantenne di Bursa, Turchia, è accusato di avere stuprato a sangue una delle anatre dei suoceri, che hanno trovato l'animale incapace di camminare e sanguinante per ferite all'intestino. Dopo diverse operazioni ora sta bene e rimane nelle cure del veterinario. L'uomo nega l'accusa

Duck allegedly raped in Turkish village. A man was detained in Bursa province in Turkey’s Marmara region for allegedly raping a duck. Police forces detained the man following complaints from his in-laws, who claimed he had raped one of their ducks during an overnight stay in their house. The man’s father-in-law said he found "feathers and blood" in a bed with the duck. The duck was "unable to walk," according to the father-in-law. The man’s mother-in-law said she later discovered the man’s bloody shirt by a tree the next morning. The 50 year-old suspect denied all accusations, calling them all "slander". The duck was found to have suffered deformation and damage to its intestines and underwent several operations. It is now reportedly in good condition and remains in a veterinarian’s care... Hurriyet

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