Woman born in 1907 offered place in Swedish preschool 
A 105-year-old Swedish woman was surprised recently when she received a letter explaining she had been offered a spot at a local preschool class. Anna Eriksson, 105, lives in a nursing home near Tierp in eastern Sweden, about 130 kilometres north of Stockholm. But the Swedes's three-digit age didn't stand in the way of her receiving a letter recently from the Central School in Tierp, letting her know the school had a spot for her in a class of children due to turn six next year. The school's principal, Marinna Eriksson (no relation) confirmed that Anna had received the letter, as had more than 60 other local children. "The addresses for everyone born in '07 were included in complete lists we received from the population registry," Marianna Eriksson said. When the labels were placed on the letters, however, no one happened to notice that one was addressed to the nursing home of Anna Eriksson, who is also born in ´07 – 1907, that is. "Her daughter got in touch and she and I both thought it was pretty funny. The two of them and I could see the humour in what happened," the principal said. She added that the centenarian is more than welcome to come by the school for an open house for the families of prospective students. "It would be fun if Anna Eriksson wanted to come here to meet the school's leadership and have coffee," Marinna Eriksson said… The Local

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