In the pics, a Macaco Felix and a Luca Zaia, deputy governor of Veneto (Venice's region in NE Italy). Mr Zaia is the one on the right.
For years the politician from the far-right, separatist Lega Nord had staunchly been campaigning for road safety in his Treviso constituency (notoriously made by drunk-driving twice as deadly than the rest of Italy), where a few days ago the man was caught speeding by the police and his driving licence suspended for one month.
Not content enough with the Figura di Merda, Mr Zaia has arrogantly reacted demanding the speed limit to be raised up to 95 mph (but on the occasion he was flying over 120 mph...) and nominated himself driving instructor for young party members who are now driving him around during his licence's ban. Yes, this man is currently dispensing road safety lessons to the local youth.
In the meantime, your Miss Welby happens to learn about Macaco Felix. Mr Felix is tortured by Oxford University labs and has become the embodiment of the fight against the unhuman brutality of the vivisection horror. Read all about Mr Felix, sign the petition, join the campaign and start it up in your city by checking out:
Finally, Miss Welby's proposal to the University of Oxford: free Mr Felix in return of Mr Zaia. True, the brain for you scientists to section won't be as much as intelligent, but just because of that you'll be able to tell us a lot about some politicians. Moreover, it's a great way for Oxford Uni labs to get rid of animal rights activists: they won't oppose experiments on Mr Zaia, they will actually encourage them, for the clever individual also being in his leisure time, when not busy speeding, a keen hunter of Venice's Terraferma wildlife.
4 commenti:
Un assassio animalista? Ma no, ma dai, non è possibile, che palle.
D'altronde, tutto quadra, quando amiamo troppo gli animali e i bambini, li amiamo a spese degli uomini. (citazione di Sartre riportata da Mario Cappato sul suo forum tempi addietro).
¿Whos luca Zaia?
morgan p., u r teasing me.
mi par di capire che tu sia davvero molto appassionato di Mario Cappato: il forum, il fan club... ne deduco che sei qui a spiare le mosse del killer e mi fa piacere che si giochi a carte scoperte: un leale omicidio tra amici e compagni, senza sotterfugi.
Scusami, vado di fretta. Non ho ben capito chi tu sia, ma lo scambio di link lo facciamo SUBITO!!!
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