- The focking bastard simply walked out Terminal 4 and we lost him. That’s it
The Americans were not amused by this explanation. Well, we Europeans are not amused by some mind-boggling American explanations about exporting democracy by the means of waging war on selected dictators with oil. Never mind the politics, it’s my friend Mario we’re talking about. He made it, he got away with the homicide escaping by the skin of his teeth. I need to make sure about a couple of things.
- Are you positive you didn’t switch on your mobile, sorry, cell phone when you landed?
- Absolutely, I paid special attention not to make such a stupid mistake
- What about cash machines, or ATMs as you call them over the pond: are you sure you did not use them since you landed in this liberal and prohibitionist country?
- I didn’t, I drained my bank account before leaving and did not withdraw anything from credit cards since landing here. No need anyway, I’m loaded with cash.
- Good boy. Do not approach any cash machine or they will trace you. Stay here instead, don’t move for any reason whatsoever. Don’t open the door, don’t answer the phone, don’t go messing on the web with your usual usernames and passwords or we are pretty focked up. But you can microwave the leftovers of yesterday’s risotto if you wish. I believe you and smell foul play. Don’t worry, chill out and take it easy, I’ll carry out the focking dirty job of clearing you
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