I'd like to introduce my fellow bloggers outside Italy to the Corriere della sera. It's the major Italian paper (established 1876, circulation 800,000 ca) and my favourite one. It boasts an acceptable (by Italian standards) foreign section with correspondents in all continents, its current editor-in-chief is a liberal like most of its commentators and, moreover, it's published in my hometown Milan while the main competitor La Repubblica (also well made, to be fair) is from Rome! You see, except for a few remarkable exceptions, we don't get along quite easily between the two Italian capitals...
But let's get back to the issue and browse together today's Corriere. Past the first few pages (12) of Italian shitty politics (in the newsroom they have to: thousands of readers are vain party-politicians themselves who get it for free, anxious to read anything in the press, even shit, about themselves, and if the media is TV they'd even be ready to volunteer for prostitution) you find an eye-opening reportage from Gaza by Lorenzo Cremonesi about Palestinians being "enemies of ourselves". Hamas vs Fatah. Below on the same page 13, Iranian dictator Ahm*#$ or whatever the fuck is the name for the bloody bastard, delirating as usual against Israel. The man is looking for troubles, reporter Viviana Mazza explains:
[...] I giovani sotto i 30 anni con il loro stile di vita occidentale e privi di ogni memoria della rivoluzione islamica sono una preoccupazione. Giovani come i 230 ragazzi e ragazze arrestati ad un rave party mercoledì a Karaj, colpevoli di aver partecipato ad un evento "satanico" con musica "oscena", alcolici, erba, vestiti "immorali" e "baci tra coetanei" [...]
Kisses among same-age people. Obscene!
Today's Corriere is great as usual, and I'll steal a few more news later on, but now I must go! (yes I've got a life). PS: picture is about Mihai Romanciuc, but I don't know which one of the two it is.
2 commenti:
I think Mihai is the one who hold the other, as I don't remember him having blu eyes. But more probably he's the one on the white table.
ps: vaffanculo al vaffanculo day e al grillo. E' un populista del cavolo, e poi, non ci è piaciuto affatto il suo commento sul nostro caro tuo nonno...
Ricambio gli ossequi di oggi dalle parti mie.
grazie, grillo sistemato.
noi nipotine scapestrate a volte ci lasciamo prendere dall'entusiasmo e prendiamo una papera.
perciò ci circondiamo di tante nonnette che servono a correggerci
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