Oggiday de nations are minachatreatened by a dirtinkuinamentation dat citizens hannot yet verstundercaping: cultural dirtinkuinamentation.
De pesantheavy english, vistrong of iz supremacy and de bisogneed of planetarian communication, minachatreat to destroy de languages of nostrunsere nations as latino in ancien europe, or espanol in central-sud america.
Der est a way-out ! An ecological solution contragainst dis risiko of Chernobyl: a planned family of neutrale words, likome de esperanto, dat, used in de international communication, puttera' touttall de peoples in condition of parity andet hannot "glottofago" destroing effect of a liviving language, beke' it est not a mamma language.
Multiple trials, jetzt repeated witavec rigor scientific by Cibernetic department of Paderborn university, monstroshow dat a bi-yearannual lernen of esperanto farmakes simpleasier lernen altrother languages. In dis moment in cui Italia dei are introducing stranger languages in elementar skul, it est pesantheavy farnot use of dis fundamental didattic strumentool, ignored by touttall de specialists.
Abermat de esperanto bisogneed of a politic power comparable witavec de United States of America, dat of esperanto farmakes de pivot of iz cultural politics: de United States of Europe.
Touttall de community nations seembras est d'agree phouer dis federation, abermat da oltrover XL yearannis dei farmake a tuboe to realize it. Daz beke', wirnous are sichersure, de citizens andet de governmentas af community nations hannot concentration justright attention to de bisogneed of european citizens of verstundercaping deiselvestessi medesimi.
De example of de 2 germany dat freejoint zusammenensamble, not-ostant diversother politic, social, economic sistems, andet solonlynur eine kosa in common, de language, it est de demontrashow.
Standing co-so de kosas, farmaken de citizen's europa, social europa, economicamentos valid europa phouer de disarbeitlosers (not solonlynur phouer bigrandegross economic krupps), europa not plus malatillness of decading giu', dependera' structuralement by realizing a europe dat communik promoting zussamensamble de multiple national cultures: etnic, vesuvian, etc.usw.
Das est DE battle dat Farmake Europa.
To farmake it, licomme in de peninsula, beforavant de Italia andet afterdopo de Italiani, it est not possiblich. Wirnous mussdev farmaken zusammensamble Europeans andet Europa.
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