Poetry by Giovanna Campo.

Saving Private Ryan

(I'm his mother)

From the wound
cold blood gushes out,
like from a fountain,
it gurgles
plentiful up to the point that you ask yourself
how a single organism
can produce so much of it,
for then
you throw it outside
with so much indifference
the eyes half-shut
the distracted breath,
the abandoned hands.
While on the other side
of the screen heart in throat
you would want to cry out to him
Fix the wound
now, strongly,
don't let it
slide away,
this river
of blood
from your,
from our,

Rescue at sea

Come take me
before I disappear
in the last stream

if I open the eyes
you see
it's me
shoulders burnt
the breast
still full

And now you'd want the fruits...

And now you would want the fruits
of my autumn tree,
you who spent whole seasons
in your malignant game
undressing me of gems and buds.
The low branches by now
are sticks, withered leaves.
The fruits are up,
in the arms of foliage,
to the sun, to the sky,
where you have never been,
where you don't know how to get to


The right hand takes care
of what is rational
it is straight, well behaving
it has a privileged connection
with the left hemisphere of conscious thought.
On the tip of its fingers
pragmatism, truths,
tangible facts,
everything, you say,
it's not for me.

Perhaps you are right.
it's the other one my hand,
inexact, hindered, unforeseeable,
Sometimes it would write - think! -
even backward,
good as it is
to the lateral thought
of intuition.


And in the morning one returns
burdened and tired,
the swollen eyelids, disembarks
from the white drift bedsheets
on the terraferma.
And still they wriggle in the nets,
of quicksilver
the dreams.

Write them down right away,
render them to the sea.

copyright Giovanna Campo, translation by MW

6 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Basta con questo barbarico idioma !
W l'italico verbo !

Michele Boselli ha detto...

Bagatin, coglionazzo, giusto per farti gli auguri ti metto l'originale in italiano, ma solo di questa, altrimenti Bruna si potrebbe incavolare e sollecitare Londradical nei suoi biechi propositi di bagaticcidio.

(scherzi a parte, queste cinque traduzioni delle poesie di Bruna sono un omaggio per lei e un regalo augurale a tutti i frequentatori del blog di Miss Welby).

Salvate il soldato Ryan
(sono sua madre)

Dalla ferita sgorga
sangue freddo,
come da una fontana,
copioso al punto che ti chiedi
come un solo organismo
possa produrne tanto,
perché poi
lo butti fuori
con tanta indifferenza
gli occhi socchiusi,
il respiro distratto,
le mani abbandonate.
Mentre dall’altra parte
dello schermo col cuore in gola
tu gli vorresti urlare
-Tampona la ferita
subito, forte,
non lasciarlo
scorrere via,
questo fiume
di sangue
dalla tua,
dalla nostra,

Anonimo ha detto...

Ciao MissWelby!!!

Molto carino anche il tuo blog!!!


A presto!!!

Con simpatia ed un bacio!!!

Riccardo (Il Contastorie)

badthing1 ha detto...

Hi Miss Welby,

The Saving Private Ryan poem affected me deeply since I am passionately anti-war. So gut-wrenchingly and dramatic it was written.

We who desire to change the world for the better via our blogs should unite with one another, therefore I would be honored to exchange links with you and I thank you for your comment on my own.

Peace, Love, Understanding and Respect,

badthing1 ha detto...

Hi Miss Welby :)

Thank you for placing a link to my blog and here is your reciprocal link, my liberal friend:


Pace, Amore,Capisco and rispettare,


Susannah Anderson ha detto...

These speak to me, especially "Fishing" and "Hands".