Campaigns, campaigns, campaigns... it was time to address some serious issues in this otherwise funny blog. After Darfour (see below) I draw your attention on the banner you see top of the left sidebar. It's about a meeting to be held in Salerno (Southern Italy nearby Naples) in precisely one month time, among bloggers supporting FREEDOM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (eg stem cells) and other issues related to life and death, such as abortion and euthanasia, advocated in Italy by the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the late poet Piero Welby, whom this blog is devoted to. Should you wish to get more info in English, do not hesitate to drop me a line in the comments or directly contact their leader Marco Cappato and technical responsible, well-known blogger Alessandro "Metilparaben" Capriccioli:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cappato < >
Date: Jan 6, 2008 5:44 PM
Subject: (nessun oggetto)
To: Alessandro Capriccioli <>

[a private communication follows between Marco and Alessandro on the setting up of the bloggers' meeting]

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

ma Cappato sarà felicissimo che gli diffondi la sua email...fa parte della strategia di distruzione dell'ex-Eletto?

p.s.: si chiama Marco??

Michele Boselli ha detto...

minchia, no, mi sono sbagliata, si chiama MANDI Cappato. sorry about that.

scherzi a parte, riguardo al meeting ho suggerito al Metilparaben la cosa più banale e semplice da farsi: un po' come nel caso dei bloggers per il Darfour, che i bloggers pro-Coscioni si linkino e controlinkino tra loro