but neither of them is to blame for the fatal crash: apparently an idiot on a Porsche SUV invaded the lane reserved for public transport in a mad manoeuvre, sending the bus, whose driver desperately attempted to avoid a head-on collision with him, to head-crash the tram instead. the clever SUV driver was arrested and identified as a Swiss: he would never have dared doing something like that in his own country, but in Italy he felt at liberty...
the accident particularly impressed your MW for it happened a few yards from the bus stop where I used to get off the very route 60 bus involved, when studying nearby in high school, years ago... I live abroad now, but Milan is my hometown, I miss it, and I'm sad tonight about SUVs: Stupidly Unsafe Vehicles for SuuuuuuuuuuuVs - Shameless unable, unfit, unkind, unmistakable, unpleasant, unpopular, unqualified, unrepentant, unrestrained, unruly, unscrupulous Velocists. (and polluters)
10 commenti:
A Porsche SUV at the center of it ... why am I not the least bit surprised?
Ciao Miss
Hope you had a nice valentine day.
Here in Kenya it was not so easy even Kissing was a problem.
fuck suv's and their owners
Non deve essere questa tragedia a mettere all'indice i SUV, ma il loro primato di gas.
I don't like the SUV's we have here. I call them "Big Assed American Gas Guzzlers". This was a Porsche however - not made here - but next to nothing is made in America anymore, other than weapons our main export, after all, is war.
There is something about certain vehicles that casts an ATTITUDE spell on their drivers. Here, in the States, it is many times women who are trying to prove something by driving SUVs. The guys are kinda funny - they roar up behind a car trying to intimidate and when one looks in the rear view mirror all ones sees a tiny head in a ball cap behind an enormous steering wheel. Tiny heads, I call them. It is sad.
The accident in Milan was senseless. I am sorry for the loss of life and wish those who were injured well. How awful.
yes, of course it is a case of pollution in the first place. here, the mayor of London wants to put a daily 25 pounds congestion charge on SUVs. he's right, but has come under fire by the powerful gas-guzzling and shameless polluters' lobby, as KWW rightly calls them. even some of those wealthy polluters would think twice if they have to pay the equivalent of 50 bucks a day. Ken Livingstone is far from perfect - as a Lib-Dem I'd rather support the election of antiprohibitionist policeman Brian Paddick in the upcoming election, but this is unlikely to happen. I reckon "Ken-the-Red", in spite of all his faults but doing a great job on transports, will be re-elected and then he'll have his way to fuck the SUVs with 25 pound-a-day to finance public transport, which is good news
It's useful to know that the man is technically a swiss citzen, but he is Italian, born in Venice. He is an agent for soccer players and few years ago was suspected of being associated with Alimzham Tokthakhounov, a Russian mob's boss. It does not sound like the biography of your typical swiss...
thanks for the info, Er Meneuta "Sogni & Bisogni". then the idiot s actually Italian after all, not Swiss. in Switzerland they may give you a life sentence for something like that.
Alimzham Tokthakhounov? what a name! it deserves an investigation on the web. thanks again for your visit
SUV. Supremely Unnecessary Vehicles.
I drive a small truck with rear wheel drive and one of my favorite events is seeing some speeding a-hole (of either sex) who's been driving too fast on a slippery road (which is the default in this area of NY during the winter) winds up in a ditch. It's even better when they get tagged by the cops. 90% of the SUV's I see contain one person. At least 75% of the huge four wheel drive crewcab pick-ups I see are way to clean to used for hauling loads of lumber, etc.
It would be nice to know this fellow will be spending significant time in the pokey, but money buys justice everywhere else, is Italy any differet?
It is a rare week that I do not read of several SUV related deaths in my small, rural county. They are usually caused by loss of control and roll-overs - something that rarely happens to real automobiles.
The worst factor is that they are advertised as high performance sports cars with superior handling and the Porsche (really made by Volkswagen) is a big offender. They don't handle well - in fact neither do the Porsche sports cars - and yet people toss them around as though they were at the Nurnburg ring. They aren't utility vehicles either, what with the price tag and the fancy upholstery. They are mostly an expression of how stupid and egotistical people have become.
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