This is not a Kikoy

I'm afraid that what is "worn" here is not a Kikoy, I've been told. However, if you want to wear a real Kikoy look no further than the original one at the School for the girls, where proud African girls with different abilities manufacture the stuff themselves and sell it directly in order to self-finance their studies and keep their project running.

The project is quite simple: Kenyan young ladies who suffer of severe medical conditions on top of their usual hardship in Nairobi's slums, well, in spite of this double misfortune they didn't give up hope to improve their education themselves. It works as follows:

1. You want a Kikoy and, trust me, you really want it. LOOK INTO MY EYES: you've always wanted a Kikoy. Even if a Kikoy never crossed your mind, now that you know about it you’re really desperate to get one after I've telepathically subjugated your mind through this mischievous post. No matter whether you prefer Ally McBeal, Desperate Housewives or Sex in the City, what you really want for Christmas is a Kikoy.

2. The happy girls in Nairobi make you a Kikoy and you buy it, so that they make some little money. Should you happen to be Mrs Carmela Soprano from the Sopranos, you buy two Kikoys just because you are instructed to do so by this very intimidating Italian blog, and with the second one you make a present for the wife of LAPD’s Lieutenant Columbo.

3. The girls in Kenya use the cash to study and become doctors and lawyers who will rule their country eventually, and deeply fuck you white supremacist. You white supremacist wonder whether you may turn out to be the loser in this capitalist transaction, and as a white supremacist myself I agree that you may well be right, but never mind.

4. President Obama must do something about this global mess caused by you buying a Kikoy. The international crisis is sorted out by a brilliant Michelle Obama wearing a bipartisan Kikoy donated to her by Lieutenant Columbo’s wife, who got it herself as a gift from Carmela Soprano, and at the end of this cumbersome diplomatic process the world is a better place.

5. If you are a rather simple and rational person, forget all the above and just buy a Kikoy or at least give a link from your blog to the School for the girls. Thank you and seasonal greetings.