McDonald's launch McItaly burger

McDonald's has teamed up with the Italian government to launch the McItaly burger, the latest scintillating addition to one of the world's great food cultures

If ever there was a sign of the moral bankruptcy of Silvio Berlusconi's government, it is the sight of a McDonald's apron wrapped around the svelte frame of the Minister of Agriculture, Luca Zaia as he helped launch the new McItaly range of burgers. The President of the Council cavorting with young women, the allegations of shady connections, slippery financial arrangements, dubious political allegiances, and all-round dodgy dealings are as nothing when compared to this monstrous act of national betrayal... Guardian

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

Tell me a story sad or gay, preferably gay.
Once upon a time, there was a cemetery... Shakespeare.
Then, after the Mac in the Hospitals, the mac in the cemeteries:-)