Cadavere in notte di bagordi
Robert Jeffrey Young e Mark Rubinson di Denver, Colorado, sono accusati di avere caricato in auto il cadavere del loro amico 43-enne Jeffrey Jarrett e condottolo a spasso per i locali della zona addebitando 400 dollari sul suo conto. La famiglia di Jarrett non è contenta, lui non si sa

Men Take Friend's Body On Joyride. Jeffrey Jarrett was 43 years old when he died last month. How he died is still under investigation. It's what happened after his death that has the family upset. Two friends are accused of loading his body into a car, hitting a bar in Denver, then another bar in Aurora, before taking Jarrett home. Robert Jeffrey Young and Mark Rubinson then ended their night at Shotgun Willie's in Glendale. They allegedly took $400 out of Jarrett's account. Published reports say Young and Rubinson now face charges of abusing a corpse, identity theft and criminal impersonation... Cbs