Triplice omicida boscaiolo
Dopo oltre 30 anni di carcere lo scozzese Thomas McCulloch, che col suo compagno gay aveva ucciso tre persone a colpi d'ascia, ha fatto un corso da boscaiolo e potrà uscire a tagliare alberi in semilibertà, ma c'è chi obietta all'idea di lasciarlo avvicinare ad attrezzi affilati.

Triple axe murderer allowed out to chop trees. Axe murderer Thomas McCulloch has been let loose in public - to chop down trees. He completed a course at a nature reserve where he helped create a pathway by clearing trees and shrubs. McCulloch went on the rampage with gay lover Robert Mone at the State Hospital, Carstairs, in 1976. Armed with homemade weapons and an axe, they butchered a nurse, a patient and a young policeman. McCulloch is serving a life term and has been locked up for more than four decades, but has been allowed home visits and trips out of jail in the last few years. A source said: "He may be old now but there is evidence he is still a very dangerous man. "All prisoners going on courses are vetted but I don't think its a good idea to let a murderer like McCulloch near sharp implements such as axes and secateurs - that could be a disaster waiting to happen"... Daily Record

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