Notizie mutande. Il ministro delle finanze dello Zimbabwe, Tendai Biti, ha vietato la vendita di biancheria intima usata nei mercatini delle pulci per ragioni di "igiene e dignità" e per sostenere l'industria tessile nazionale. Zimbabwe outlaws sale of used knickers. Finance minister introduces law after discovering that poverty has driven people to buy secondhand underwear at flea markets... Guardian

Intanto un consigliere comunale del Partito repubblicano brasiliano, Ozias Zizi di Vila Velha, propone un'ordinanza per obbligare le spose a indossare le mutande al matrimonio, per "preservare i luoghi sacri" (le donne superstiziose non usano portarle nella convinzione lo stesso possa durare più a lungo), ma il pastore locale Enoch de Castro ridicolizza l'idea come impraticabile da far rispettare. Brazilian councillor proposes law demanding brides wear underwear when they marry. Ozias Zizi claims that a growing number of women in his south-eastern town of Vila Velha are turning up to church with nothing on underneath their wedding dresses. The superstitious brides believe it will make their marriages last longer, he explained. The Brazilian Repulican Party (PRB) politician claims his new law, which would also put a lower limit on brides’ necklines, will save ministers of religion from embarrassment as they conduct weddings in the town [...] A local pastor who takes weddings in the town branded the bill as 'ridiculous'. Deriding the bill, Enoch de Castro said: 'There are women who make a choice to not use underwear. This has nothing to do with anything. It would be an absurd thing to try to have to police something like this, to find out whether a bride is wearing knickers or not'... Daily Mail

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