Psico-albero di Natale
Il 46-enne Ian Richards di Aylesham, Kent, sta trascorrendo le feste in prigione, condannato a 18 mesi per avere usato come albero di Natale decorato una pianta di cannabis alta un metro e mezzo. Jail for man who grew cannabis 'Christmas tree'. A man who grew a large cannabis plant to look like a Christmas tree will spend the festive season in prison after police found his home-based drug factory. Ian Richards, 46, made the cannabis plant resemble a festive tree by growing it to 5ft tall and decorating it with brightly-coloured baubles. Police found it along with a small number of other cannabis plants when they raided his home in Aylesham, Kent [...] A judge at Canterbury Crown Court sentenced Richards to 18 months behind bars for drugs offences... Guardian

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