Perso uno zoccolo?
Il più grosso zoccolo olandese (due metri per quattro, peso 20 quintali di legno) è sparito nottetempo dalla strada principale della città olandese di Enter. I ladri promettono di restituirlo per carnevale
Largest Dutch clog goes missing. Dutch police in the eastern town of Enter are investigating the theft of the country's largest clog after it disappeared without trace from its main street, a police spokeswoman said Tuesday. "We don't know who stole it, but it's disappeared", Rosita de Vries said of the clog, which at four metres (13 feet) in length and weighing almost two tonnes is the largest example of the Dutch icon, police said. "It is a joke. We even received an email announcing that the shoe will probably be back after Carnival". in mid-February, she told AFP, adding it was believed the shoe disappeared Friday night or early on Saturday. Police however failed to trace the email and inquiries lead to nowhere, De Vries said. "They (the thieves) would have had a truck to fly off with this shoe", which was about two metres (6.5 feet) high, De Vries said adding even if it was done as a joke, the thieves will "answer in court" for their actions... Afp