Uomo dissanguato da morsi di topi al pene
Il 53-enne Arun Sandhukha di Sreerampore era ricoverato per una polmonite in un ospedale di Calcutta e la mattina dopo i parenti lo hanno trovato agonizzante in una pozza di sangue senza infermieri. Nel pomeriggio è morto dissanguato perché il pene gli era stato rosicchiato dai ratti.

Patient dies after rats bite him. [...] Arun Sandhukha, 53, from Sreerampore in Hooghly, was admitted at the new emergency ward of the hospital since December 11 with pneumonia. In the morning, when his family came to visit him, he was lying on the bed in a pool of blood. “No nurse was found at the scene and he was writhing in pain. His penis had been nibbled by rats,” on his relatives Bishwanath alleged. At around 4.15 pm, Sadhukha died of his injuries. The hospital authorities have admitted the presence of rats at the ward, Bishwanath claimed [...] Asian Age

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