Poliziotto insegue sé stesso
Un anonimo agente in borghese in una cittadina del Sussex si è inseguito per 20 minuti su indicazione via radio della centrale di polizia che sulle telecamere aveva notato un individuo sospetto, prima che il suo sergente lo riconoscesse sui monitor

CCTV police officer 'chased himself' after being mistaken for burglar. An undercover police officer "chased himself round the streets" for 20 minutes after a CCTV operator mistook him for suspect. The junior officer, who has not been named, was monitoring an area hit by a series of burglaries in an unnamed market town in the country’s south. As the probationary officer from Sussex Police searched for suspects, the camera operator radioed that he had seen someone “acting suspiciously” in the area. But he failed to realise that it was actually the plain-clothed officer he was watching on the screen, according to details leaked to an industry magazine... Telegraph

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