Uomo sequestrato da ninfomane
Una 47-enne di Monaco di Baviera ha rinchiuso nel suo appartamento un concittadino 43-enne, casualmente incontrato in un bar, esigendo numerosi rapporti sessuali finché questi, esausto, si è rifugiato sul balcone e chiamato i poliziotti, all'arrivo dei quali l'insaziabile donna ha chiesto sesso anche a loro, che si sarebbero rifiutati e l'hanno arrestata

Woman wants 'too much sex' - man calls cops. A desperate man in Munich fled onto a balcony and called police for protection after his insatiable companion on a one-night stand refused to let him leave her flat, police said on Thursday. The 43-year-old man had met a woman four years his senior in a bar in the southern German city on Monday and she took him back to her apartment for sex, a police spokesman said in a statement. "There they had sexual intercourse several times - the spokesman said - When the 47-year-old wanted even more, her partner said no". The man then tried to leave the apartment but the woman prevented him from escaping and demanded he have sex with her again. "Because the 43-year-old saw no other alternative, he complied with the woman's wishes another few times so he could finally leave the apartment - the spokesman said - But when she continued to refuse and demanded even more sex from him, he fled to the balcony and alerted the police". The woman "then tried to talk the dispatched officers into similar activity but was unsuccessful"... Afp / The Local

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