Mendicanti ingabbiati. Per non essere disturbati i visitatori del festival religioso al tempio di Nanchang, Cina, troveranno i mendicanti reclusi in piccole gabbie, nelle quali non possono neanche stare in piedi, oppure scelgono di andarsene ed esserne banditi. Le gabbie hanno fatto infuriare gli attivisti per i diritti umani per l'umiliazione subita nello zoo umano

Chinese festival bosses put beggars in cages so they wouldn't bother visitors. Beggars at a religious folk festival in southern China have been ordered to stay in purposely built cages, or be removed from the festivities. Organisers gave the beggars an ultimatum saying their presence ruins the experience for visitors at the temple fair in Nanchang, Jiangxi province and if they wished to beg they had to do so from inside small cages. The zoo-like cages are so small adults are unable to stand and although they are free to leave at will, they are immediately banished from the festival area and have to leave the city if they do so [...] The cages have infuriated human rights campaigners in China who have branded them a human zoo. ‘They are treating them like zoo animals. What will they have to do next - tricks for their food?‘ said one. ‘They are kept behind iron railings at the entrance to the fair, they are supplied with water and food by festival organisers but have to eat it stuck in these cages. This is nothing less than public humiliation. Do they want people to believe the region has no poor people and just put on a good show? These people need help. We should not be allowing them to be locked away in cages. These people are human beings too’... Daily Mail

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