Il 53-enne Gary Craig di Whitburn, Inghilterra, era già entrato nel Guinness dei primati per essere riuscito a indossare 211 paia di mutande una sopra l'altra, ma l'americana Janine Kelbish lo aveva superato nel febbraio scorso con 252. Ora "Geordie Pantsman" si è ripreso il titolo con 302

Geordie Pantsman reclaims record for wearing most underpants Geordie Pantsman has pulled himself back into the record books. Also known as Gary Craig, the 53-year-old, of Whitburn, South Tyneside, previously got himself into the Guinness books when he managed to put on 211 pairs of underpants. But American Janine Keblish overtook him when she pulled 252 pairs of underwear in February. On Sunday the dad-of-three claimed back his record. “It went very, very well and the official number is 302,” he said. “I wanted to be the first person to put on over 300 pairs and I did it. I think I’m also the first person to hold the record twice – probably because no one else is daft enough to do it twice. “I wanted to break the record by so much that if anyone else ever does manage to break it, they will definitely deserve it.” Gary, who works as an architect when not practising his unusual act said: “Putting on all those pants is harder than it looks because you’re carrying an incredible weight, but the crowd really spurred me on and kept me going. I think this is it now though, I’m not going to go and attempt any more world records. My wife Jacqueline helps me out with this one by getting all the pants ready and helping me get them on, but she doesn’t like the limelight as much as I do. The atmosphere on Sunday was fantastic and I smashed the world record, so I couldn’t ask for more”.

1 commento:

Welshcakes Limoncello ha detto...

Grazie - mi hai fatto ridere.