Un bambino del Ghana che giocando al pallone aveva festeggiato un goal scoreggiando di felicità proprio quando transitava una donna di mezza età che si è arrabbiata pensando che la flatulenza fosse diretta a lei, e gli ha lanciato una maledizione per cui dopo qualche mese al bambino ha cominciato a gonfiarsi la pancia a dismisura. Mah... Boh...

Boy cursed after farting with happiness. A 12-year-old boy in Ghana has told how he became swollen up like a balloon after a woman put a curse on him when he broke wind with happiness as she walked past. Charles Roji said he and a friend were playing with a rubber ball when he flatulated. According to Charles, the timing of his flatulation did not go down with a middle-aged woman who was passing by at that time, which made the woman curse him. Some months later Charles began swelling up, especially his stomach. He said of  his ordeal: ‘One day when we were playing soccer and I scored a goal, I was so happy when I flatulated, just when the woman got there. The woman, who was speaking Gonja, got very angry when my friends started teasing me that I had flatulated against the woman. 'I got afraid when the woman started talking angrily while my friends continued to tease me … I have been swollen for almost one year.’ Surprisingly all the spiritualists consulted by his family have directed them to go to the woman and apologise... Peace fm online