This disgusting individual with the piggy eye is the horribly failed Italian blogger Luca Barbatin. Nowadays you can't possibly visit any of the best and most beautiful fellow Italian liberal bloggers - such as Valeria, Vulvia and many others - without stumbling in his sickening comments asking them to bare their breasts, show up in high heels, or plainly proposing (actually begging) to have sex with him.

Which is the most unlikely thing on this planet - except for me winning the lottery or the planet itself being visited by aliens -, as Barbatin's penis is no bigger than his blog's pagerank or authority: close to zero.

Barbatin lives nearby Pordenone, a small town in North-East Italy which, coincidentally, you'll easily anagram into Porno Eden. Every single day he travels by bus to Pordenone in order to connect to the internet and sistematically harass any female blogger he finds by phishing in my blogroll, and yours'.

Mind you: not just women. He's also obsessed with journalist Mario Suttora and other masculine fellow bloggers. Anyone, anything he can pleasure himself with in front of a screen. I felt we must do something to relieve him out of his misery: kill him. My friend Londradical is a professional hitman who's going to take care of the pitiful case

9 commenti:

Rebecca Opetsi ha detto...

Hallo Miss
That is so Horrible, He looks scary
Thanks for realizing that

Greetings from Kenya

Anonimo ha detto...

Pregasi tradurre in idioma meno barbarico.

Michele Boselli ha detto...

traduzione per Barbatin:

dice Rebecca che sei orribile, hai un aspetto spaventoso. mi ringrazia per averla resa edotta e saluta dal Kenya

Clelia ha detto...

I've really appreciate your complimet, belive me or not I don't know how to create a blogroll but I swear on God when I will able to do this you will be on it!( questo è ciò che ho scritto in risposta al mio post).

I agree with School of girls! Thanks for your warning.

Gledwood ha detto...

Hang on what has happened here? I put it through google translator for the Italian... and the last sentence here came out as "My friend Londradical is a professional hitman who's going to take care of the pitiful homes"


Anonimo ha detto...


esprimo la mia solidarietà al buon luca bagatin. Trattasi di ottima persona. Peraltro nemmeno così brutto ...


Anonimo ha detto...

Rebecca ?
Ma chi, la becca Rebecca ?
Naaaa !
Ad ogni modo comunque è vero !
Sono veramente orribile, ma, in foto, vengo benissimo.
Sono infatti photoIGIenico.

PS: ne farò un post con questo tuo post mia cara Myss Bosellyk !

Anonimo ha detto...

Translating please !

(altriment un se capisc un cazz ! Sient'ammé !)

Anonimo ha detto...

Ammazza ve state a divertì qua!!!!
Ciao Misssssss, Luca fai il bravo!